
Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Notes on Classroom 2.0 - Technology and the Developmental Needs of Adolescents

As a 14 year veteran of teaching 9th grade, there have been times when I get caught up in the curriculum and keeping pace with standardized testing, but Stephen Davis, the Featured Teacher for the November 17, 2012 Classroom 2.0 LIVE show,  has numerous links to resources for meeting the Technology and the Developmental Needs of Adolescents in and out of the classroom.

What are the developmental needs of adolescents?

    Developmental Needs = PIES

  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional 
  • Social

All lesson plans take into account the PIES because as Davis explains, "Focusing too much on state standards created lessons that are like a museum: perfect and static." Consider the layout of the classroom and the activities within the lessons: teachers do not have to present themselves as perfect because that is not reality. Using the PIES, "creates lessons that are like a house that is lived in: comfortable and realistic."

To meet physical needs in the classroom:

  • Use SCVNGER to go on a scavenger hunt
  • Use You Tube to watch and mirror movements in plays, sports, dancing, and musicians
  • Use Nike BOOM and iFitness to workout or lift weights

To meet intellectual needs in the classroom and execute abstract thought processes:

  • Veritasium - showing science concepts to people on the street 
  • The Onion - experience and learn satire (not all age appropriate)
  • Philosophy- play games that are philosophical in nature

To meet emotional needs of adolescents and deal with the paradox of trying to be an adult but stay relevant to peers:

  • Deviant Art - artistry, but not all school appropriate
  • Jammit - learn an instrument, download music from favorite band and have music notation on computer and can play along (can also slow down pace without affecting pitch & even isolate one instrument)
  • Instagram - photography, use filters to represent tone & mood in one or a series of pictures-- can see patterns of emotions in photographs (reflect to see the pattern)

To meet the social needs of adolescents who want to be alone, yet also want to be part of a group:

  • Social Voice - student writing on controversial and debatable issues
  • Instagram - moments become memories
  • Wallwisher - for exit slips 

Why do teachers need to meet the needs of adolescents? According to Davis, he is ....

                "Trying to effect change not demand change"

                                  "Helping the students equip themselves"

                                                  "Bring[ing] back humanity to education"

When students feel that they are seen as humans and not some repository for information, a cup to filled, and they have a personal connection to their education, they will do more than just earn an A+.

1 comment:

  1. That's such an important reminder, Kate. We can't do nearly as much for students academically unless we connect with them intellectually and emotionally - and we acknowledge their need to be social.

    It's especially hard to remember this at the end of a grading period when report cards are due :)
